Freelance British Sign Language part time tutor required
Could you be the next BSL tutor for Teach Me Sign ltd? Following the enormous success Teach Me Sign has had over the past year we are now looking to expand our teaching family! We are looking for a new part time London based freelance tutor and also a part time Southampton based freelance tutor. Courses to be held in the evening time normally from 6:00pm- 8:30pm.
You will be required to teach British Sign Language level 1 and British Sign Language level 2 adult courses.
You are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism and represent Teach Me Sign at all times whilst teaching. You will need to have good organisational skills and you time manage very well. You should also be able to use BSL to a level 3 standard, which is essential.
Teach Me Sign bases its courses on fun, fun and more fun to ensure an enjoyable and effective learning experience for all its students. You will be expected to be energetic and responsible to ensure students are looking forward to attending class each week.
Good rates of pay and material provided for each class.
So, if you are available and qualified to teach in either London or Southampton and think you think you have what it takes to join our signing family please contact for an application form and candidate specifications.
Closing date for applicants is October 15th 2013
We look forward to hearing from you soon!